What’s the name of the school / youth organisation project?

Echline Primary School

Who are the partners (Youth groups, schools, outdoor education providers etc)

Hillend Snowsports Centre
Port Edgar, water sports

What’s the demographic of the area that you work in?

Mostly SMID 9 or 10.

Why did you choose to use JASS?

A great opportunity for pupils to lead learning and experience a breadth of activities that develop skills for learning, life and work. It may also enthuse pupils to engage in other award schemes, like the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

What were the hoped outcomes of your initiative?

To develop skills for learning, life and work.

What year groups participated? What level did you use?

P6: Bronze P7: Silver


Can you provide some examples for the activities that the young people did for the award? It would be helpful if you could note any activities that you or any partner took the lead on.

Me and My World:

Enterprise activities, e.g. planning and hosting a whole school charity fundraising event; creating bird planters for the school grounds or making improvements to a local area.

My Interests:

Pupils prepare a talk about an interest they have and present to their class.

Get Active, Stay Active:

Skiing/snowboarding lessons or sailing lessons.


Pupils keep a personal log of the required hours of physical activity they do out with school.

Was there any additional costs over and above the purchase of the folders?

Pupils pay for their skiing/snowboarding or sailing lessons.

Do you have any examples of how a young person grew in confidence as a result of doing the activities in JASS?

When leading fundraising events the pupils’ confidence has developed through the opportunities created to work collaboratively and take ownership of their learning.

What were the benefits to your organisation taking the lead on this? What went well? Did you reach your outcomes?

The flexibility of making decisions on the context for each section and when to engage with each.

Any positive quotes, from mentors, participants, parents / carers? Or observations?

Coastwatch now us as their link school and we had the task of naming their new boat.  We hosted a Boat Naming Most parents like the diverse nature of the award scheme and pupils love working towards an end goal.

Was there anything that didn’t go well?

Occasionally, a pupil will not want to do the adventure activities on offer, i.e. skiing or sailing, and it can be difficult to provide an alternative.


Cavendish High, Cheshire, England


Edenside Primary, Kelso, Scotland